Greater Missouri Leadership Foundation - Rosalind Cochran

Roz Cochran
GMLF Board Immediate Past President
GMLC Class of 2013

Life balancing! What am I doing? I am prioritizing my rest. I’m admitting when enough is enough! I’m not feeling guilty for saying no to events, family and friends, or behaviors that can sometimes sap me of much-needed energy. Simply put, I jump off the hamster wheel.

I block time to do things in silence and meditation, just for me, so that I can have the power to participate in all of the “life” busy women take part in. I’m eating healthier meals, taking extended baths, saturating in nature when I go for walks, and feeling the sunshine.

About five years ago, I realized being tired was my trigger (What’s yours?). You know, like when people get “hangry?” I started tracking the time it takes before I have nothing left to give. It’s about a week, so I make sure to be kinder to myself before that point.

If the balance isn’t presenting itself, permit yourself to make the balance!