Greater Missouri Leadership Foundation has joined the Missouri Public Policy Coalition and was able to get a preview of this new research. We think you will find this information valuable as you work in your communities to lead and serve.

United WE has released its latest research on the Status of Women in Missouri, and the findings show strides have been made toward parity, though there remains work to be done.

  • United WE partnered with the University of Missouri’s Institute of Public Policy to unveil critical new research to understand the status of women in Missouri. This report updates the 2015 and 2017 Status of Women in Missouri reports by reflecting on women’s journeys and highlighting opportunities to empower future progress.
  • Too many women with the passion, talent and skills to lead remain on the sidelines because they face unnecessary obstacles such as pay inequality, limited family leave, entrepreneurship restrictions, sexual harassment, and inadequate public policies. These are solvable challenges.
  • Our elected government doesn’t yet reflect the diversity of our state – including gender diversity. This year, following the election last month, women’s legislative and executive branch representation in Missouri is 25.5% despite women accounting for 51% of the population.
  • In addition, barriers to childcare limits women’s economic potential. COVID has illuminated how challenging it is to fully participate in the workforce when childcare is compromised.

Check out the latest report, and learn more about how United WE, Greater Missouri, and many others are working to combat barriers in order to advance all women’s economic and civic leadership.