November, 2017
Have you started taking advantage of our mobile-friendly and more responsive website,
New benefits for alumnae include our online directory, the ability to post news about new jobs or promotions, and a special section of news for alumnae. A few details to access it, but it’s relatively easy to use!
To access the alumnae area, 1) you’ll need to log into the area by entering your username and obtaining a password…your username is your first name and last name without spacing at the time you became a GMLC alumna….for example, I am jangrossmann.
The first time you log into the site with your username, firstnamelastname, 2) go on down and click on the “lost password” button so that a password can be emailed to you. 3) Then log back in, enter that password, and change it to something you want to use. 4) You’ll then also be able to update your profile for us – please do this NOW!
(If the email address we have on record for you isn’t correct, then of course you won’t receive a password and you’ll need to call or email me to fix that for you.)
Along with these benefits, comes a feature that informs you if you need to pay your dues in order to access the area, if you haven’t paid them yet for 2017. Dues are set up to be paid electronically from here on out, through our website. No bills are mailed. If you haven’t paid your 2017 dues (which are only $50 annually or $500 for a lifetime membership) you’ll still be able to update your personal information; you just won’t be able to see what your classmates and fellow-alumnae are up to now.
Please reach out to me if you experience any difficulties – it could be we don’t have your most up-to-date email, for example!