Employer: NeighborWorks America, Lead Analyst of Programs
GMLC Year and a best memory: Class of 2013. Nellie Symm Gruender was the first person to welcome me in our class. I will never forget her huge personality and even sweeter spirit. Another best memory was spending a session with the Class of 2014 and thinking how awesome it was to spend time with two AWESOME classes!
What is the most rewarding part of your job? Having a direct hand in creating homeownership and other human services! I believe everyone is worthy of shelter and a dignified space to call home.
Book recommendation: I’m always reading self-help, leadership and devotionals (at the same time). I’m currently reading “Dare to Lead” by Brene Brown and “Mindful of Race” by Ruth King. Both books paint a poignant picture of the humanity and soul involved in leadership; the disservice applied to our investment when we aren’t open and inclusive to different cultures, races, experiences and making sure we respect the people we spend most of our time with.
Listening to: Last Podcast “On the Left”. It’s for enjoyment and shock value.
Best voting memory: My best voting memory is how excited I was to even register and the special feeling I still carry about my whole family walking to our poll together (they are all deceased now). The last presidential election my daughter drove home from Iowa so that we could vote together for what we believed would be our first woman president.
The hardest thing you ever did and what you learned from it: Deciding to divorce with children. I learned that I had everything inside of me to remain whole, focused and thriving! No matter how difficult it seemed at times…it was not ever going to be my whole picture!