Soon, I will be back at the office full-time after maternity leave and I am feeling strong and ready to go (if just a little sleep deprived).  I truly believe that my time away with our new baby and her sister and brothers gave me the opportunity to reflect and recharge.

We’re only a month into a new year and a new decade.  Many people see the beginning of a new year as a kind of metaphor or impetus.  That’s why so many people make new year’s resolutions.  There’s something about the opportunity to improve ourselves by looking at our history but focusing on our future.

I’ve noticed that I’ve had a spring in my step these recent days.  That’s because I suspect that 2020 is going be an exciting period. GMLF is in sound condition and it is exciting to welcome our new director, our new class, new members to our board, and re-engaged alumnae.

This year, as the story of women’s suffrage is being told during the centennial of the ratification of the 19th Amendment, which gave women the franchise, we will be reviewing this history during our sessions. I cannot help but to reflect on the incredible changes that have taken place over the last 100 years for Missouri women.

One of the greatest ways to stay flexible, to foster that sense of excitement and wonder about life is to move beyond one’s comfort zone or to do something difficult—even take an action some might think of as risky just as those women did in the years leading up to 1920 – and many have been doing since. Doing something challenging will expand our horizons and provide us with new opportunities and aspirations.

This is my hope for our new class of Challengers. I hope that their experience will reactivate and refresh their approach to life just as my experience did. And I hope that our alumnae will take the opportunity to meet and get to know these new participants and share their wisdom and advice so that we can learn from each other.

Because as graduates, our work doesn’t end.  Just as it didn’t end with the passage of the 19th Amendment. We must grow our tribe of engaged women, leading and serving their communities.  Join me.

#BossMom #SheMakesItWork #NeedMoreCoffee