Thanks to all who have already paid alumnae dues for 2019! If you haven’t done so, here’s an easy way to do so…
Please log onto and access the alumnae area. Once you do this, you’ll notice a button to “pay dues” in the upper right corner.
1) You’ll need to log into the area by entering your username and inputting your password. It’s easy to obtain a password if you haven’t yet accessed this part of our website. Your username is your first name and last name without spacing or punctuation, at the time you became a Greater Missouri Challenger….for example, I am jangrossmann.
2) The first time you log into the site with your username, firstnamelastname, in order to obtain a password, go on down to find and click on the “lost password” button so that a password can be emailed to you.
3) Once you’ve accessed your email to find your temporary password, then log back in, enter that password we sent you, and go ahead and change it to something you want to use. You’ll then also be able to update your profile if you’d like. (We’d like it if you do this too!)
(If the email address we have on record for you is no longer correct, then you’ll need to email me from your new address so I can fix that for you.)
4) It’s time to pay your 2019 dues, if you haven’t yet done so! Dues are set up to be paid electronically, through our website, and are due on the 1st of January.
Dues are only $50 annually or $500 for a lifetime membership. Once your dues are paid, you’ll be able to access information about your classmates and fellow-alumnae, to see what everyone is doing these days!
Thanks! Please let me know by emailing me at if you have any trouble with this! We’ll gladly help you!
Kindest Regards,
Jan Grossmann
Executive Director