Mindy Mazur (Class of 2015) is the managing director at Lents & Associates, LLC, a consulting firm that specializes in integrated communications, public affairs, and business and organizational strategies. Her responsibilities include business operations, with a focus on both client and internal needs.
Mindy is passionate about cultivating talent. Lents & Associates just finished planning and supporting a virtual conference for The DeBruce Foundation in which they brought together students from dozens of higher-learning institutions to help them learn how to attain and succeed in virtual internships. She currently sits on three boards that all relate to talent development – LeadMO, a state-wide progressive talent hub; Greater Missouri Leadership Foundation, a state-wide women’s leadership program; and Mizzou’s Alumni Association.
For Mindy, this is what leadership is all about…empowering others to be their best selves. She claims that best leaders live in abundance–they believe there is enough success and support to be shared among all.
Several St. Louis Forum members have had impact on Mindy and her career. When she pursued a “dream job” that didn’t turn out to be the dream she had hoped, Forum members were among those who both gave her support and the mentoring/coaching that enabled her to move towards her next role.
Mindy is married to Jeff, LaunchCode Executive Director, and has twin girls in third grade. She is a big walker and amateur gardener. Friday nights are sacred family movie nights. And, get this, she is taking banjo lessons. (Her great uncle made banjos and guitars.) Another increasingly important aspect of her life is her faith– she and her family attend The Gathering.
Mindy’s recommendation is to follow the sage advice of her former boss, Robin Carnahan, “enjoy the journey.”  Mindy acknowledges she hasn’t quite mastered this, but over the years she has come to appreciate this advice more and more.