14 years ago Cathy started working at Columbia College. It turned out to be a great place to work where she received incredible opportunities to grow professionally and personally. She earned a Project Management Professional Degree and a Master’s in Business Administration. She held several different positions, each one more challenging than the last. Most recently she has been the Associate Vice President of the Enrollment Services Division.

She is now ready and prepared for her next chapter. She will be moving to the College of Human Environmental Sciences at the University of Missouri where she will serve as the Director for Student Success and Retention.  She is nervous and happy and sad, but mostly excited for new opportunities, challenges and friends. Her husband Nathan remains at Columbia College and they remain busy shuttling their twins Jacob and Addison while spending much time biking and hiking in the great outdoors in and around Columbia.
If you would like to reach Cathy to congratulate her, you may do so at her person email eathertonc@gmail.com or cell:  702-419-7247.