Tina Olson, Ed.D. started a new role as the Associate Director of Human Resources in the College of Arts and Science at the University of Missouri. In this role she will report to Dean Cooper Riley while serving as a member of his leadership team and matrix report to the Executive Director of Human Resources. Tina is excited to be back in academics following her return to HR last year at Boone Health. She will continue to be an adjunct instructor at MU in the Trulaske College of Business.

Tina is a cherished and committed friend to Greater Missouri. Since graduating with the Class of 2010, she has served on the Board of Directors and continues to serve on our Advisory Council. She is a 2019 Alumna Leader of the Year. In addition, Tina has generously underwritten the costs for the Strengths Based Leadership books for GMLC Class participants and continues to assist the regional session planning team and serving as a speaker when her schedule will allow.

Her new work email is tolson@missouri.edu. Congratulations and best wishes to Tina!