Did you know that if you are a dues paying member supporting Greater Missouri you can access the membership directory to stay connected to members of your Challenge Year class or any other of our more than 1,000 graduates?

You might not know how to access the directory. Here are some tips.

First, sign in with your password. If you can’t recall your password, hit the “lost password” button, and then you will receive a temporary password to log in. You can then change it to whatever you prefer.

Once you are logged in, and are a confirmed dues paying member, you can hit the Alumni Home Green Button at the top right hand corner of your page. This will take you to the Alumni page and in the middle of that page you will see “Alumni Directory”. You can then research by first name or by class year. When you see the bubble of the person you are looking for (hopefully they have kept their contact information current and have added a profile pic to their account), you can hover over the bubble and see their contact information.

Any issues? Just contact Katie and she will walk you through the steps.