Springfield Area Alumnae Luncheon
Springfield Area Alumnae Luncheon
These events will recur monthly at varying locations in the region on the 1st Wednesday of the month, each starting at 11:30 am.
These events will recur monthly at varying locations in the region on the 1st Wednesday of the month, each starting at 11:30 am.
Join members of the Board of Directors and the Alumnae Council of the Greater Missouri Leadership Foundation as we connect to educate and inspire to help smart people think better together. This is a free event but registration is encouraged and welcomed.
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7613311121?pwd=cHpZMmFFV0RXb3JxSXhoWk9Ucm0wZz09 Meeting ID: 761 331 1121 Passcode: GMLF2020 One tap mobile +13052241968,,7613311121# US
Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7613311121?pwd=cHpZMmFFV0RXb3JxSXhoWk9Ucm0wZz09 Meeting ID: 761 331 1121 Passcode: GMLF2020 One tap mobile +13052241968,,7613311121# US
These events will recur monthly at varying locations in the region on the 1st Wednesday of the month, each starting at 11:30 am.