Jennifer has been a 20 year employee with Bayer Crop Science. She has spent the majority of her career in Product Supply/Supply Chain, but also spent several years in Regulatory Affairs and Stewardship. Her areas of expertise include import/export logistics and compliance, warehousing, quality, seed regulatory affairs, US and international seed law, phytosanitary regulations and seed movement, stewardship and regulatory compliance, and seed production. Jennifer was most recently managing Parent Seed production of pre-commercial corn, soybeans, and canola for Bayer in North America across 14 sites in the US, Canada, including Hawaii and Puerto Rico.

Jennifer has a Bachelor of Arts in Spanish from Washington University in Saint Louis, Missouri and a Master’s Degree in International Business from Saint Louis University. She currently serves on the Board and is the Fundraising Chairperson for the Mitrata-Nepal Foundation for Children in St. Louis. Jennifer resides in University City, Missouri and has one daughter who recently graduated with an ABSN degree from Loyola University in Chicago.

Jennifer’s time during retirement will be spent pursuing her many hobbies including Pilates, needlepoint, working out, gardening, travel, and trying new restaurants and wines. She plans to join the sessions in 2021 when we meet in Kirksville, Kansas City, and St. Louis.

To reach Jennifer to congratulate her, she can be reached at 314-409-5970 or via email at