During Women’s History Month, our Executive Director Katie Steele Danner was a radio guest on KOPN 89.5 with an interview conducted by Sarah Catlin. One of the questions was about resources that might be helpful for women who are looking to advance their career. These suggestions are worth sharing:
In addition to Chin-Ning Chu’s The Art of War for Women; Sun Tzu’s Ancient Strategies and Wisdom for Winning at Work and Gloria Feldt’s No Excuses; nine ways women can change how we think about power (tools for leading an unlimited life); here are some leadership book suggestions.
Here are some blog profiles.
Celebrate the month by watching a movie based on true stories about women in history imdb.com/list/ls0232413…
Check out The Lift List and arm yourself with 52 weeks of simple actions that will help you step into your power, increase your impact, and build an environment where every person is valued, respected, and equally compensated. Lifting together not only lightens the load, it helps us all become the powerful leaders we were meant to be. We can do anything—together.
We can:
Support women running for office with our time, treasure or talent.
Sponsor, mentor, or help a woman get her foot in the door at work.
Work together to close the pay gap and raise women and girls out of poverty.
Train and elevate women to leadership positions.
Engage our male allies to build an environment where every person – regardless of gender – is valued, respected, and equally compensated.