Name/Employer/Title:  Gina Gervino, Columbia Insurance Group, Sr. Vice President, General Counsel & Corporate Secretary

GMLC Year:  2016

Best Memory:  In addition to the various opportunities to hear from so many accomplished women, I especially enjoyed my time in the flight simulator at Boeing’s facilities in St. Louis, where I successfully landed a fighter jet on an aircraft carrier on my very first attempt!

What is the most rewarding part of your job:  Because I have the chance to work with every department in our organization, no day is ever the same!  Professionally, I enjoy having a voice in setting the strategic direction of our company.  I gain the most personal satisfaction from mentoring and encouraging younger team members who will be the next leaders of Columbia Insurance Group.

The hardest thing you ever did and what you learned from it:  The hardest thing I ever did was to leave the comfort and familiarity of my home and job in Texas and move to Missouri for my current position 12 years ago. I did not know a single person in the entire state, and was unsure how I would fit in with my new company.  Thanks to quick connections with several fantastic women in the community (also GMLC alums), I quickly felt right at home in Columbia, Missouri.  Fast forward a few years, I met an incredible man (who is now my husband) and I became the first female senior officer in the company’s history.  I learned that I am worth the risk – set big goals, trust your gut, and chase your dreams!

Contact Gina at: