Valerie Richardson (Class of 1993) serves as chair of the board development committee for the Girl Scouts of the Missouri Heartland. They are seeking prospective board members and our network serves as a perfect prospect pool.

This Girl Scout council serves girls and adult volunteers in 67 counties in central and southern Missouri and northeastern Oklahoma and southeastern Kansas. They are looking for talented and visionary leaders who can advance the council’s strategic plan and goals to build girls of courage, confidence, and character who make the world a better place.

If you are interested, please complete the application at the link below. Another requirement is to provide two letters of recommendation. Someone from the board development committee will then conduct an informal interview to make sure the prospective board member is a good fit. The committee will nominate a single slate of directors by mid-January, which is presented at the annual membership meeting in March for the vote. The elected board members take office following the March meeting, then would have a couple months to get oriented before their first board meeting in June. The term of office is for three years, but there are a couple of unexpired vacancies, if someone is interested in a shorter term.
Website info: (>Our Council >Governance)

Feel free to contact Valerie if you would like additional information.
(573) 778-6543