Selected by the Career Communications Group’s US Black Engineer and Information Technology magazine, the Council of Engineering Deans of the Historically Black Colleges and Universities, host Lockheed Martin Corporation, and sponsor Aerotek, congratulations are extended to Shalonda Webb, GMLC Class of 2020, as she has been selected to receive a Modern-Day Technology Leader award at the 2021 BEYA STEM Conference.

Modern-Day Technology Leaders are men and women who are demonstrating outstanding performance in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The organization will recognize recipients during the Technology Recognition Luncheon on Friday, February 12, 2021.

We hope that the BEYA Modern-Day Technology Leader award validates what we already know: Shalonda is a special and gifted person. This recognition will also highlight the breadth of opportunities that await thousands of young American women and men.

Congratulations to Shalonda. We can all agree that she has succeeded in 2020. May good fortune continue to be hers, and may she always be an inspiring role model for others.