2024 Alumnae Reunion

"Bridging Generations: Celebrating 35 Years of Excellence". Join alumnae from different Challenge Class Years coming together to celebrate our shared history and accomplishments. The camaraderie will include professional development, a...

GMLF Regional Teams Meeting

via zoom

Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/7613311121?pwd=cHpZMmFFV0RXb3JxSXhoWk9Ucm0wZz09&omn=88986509525 Meeting ID: 761 331 1121 Passcode: GMLF2020 +13052241968,,7613311121# US +13092053325,,7613311121# US

GMLF Full Board Meeting

The Premiere Group Headquarters 1431 Cinnamon Hill Ln #104, Columbia, MO, United States

Selections for the Class of 2025 will be confirmed. Votes will be taken for new board members, officers, and approval of the 2025 Budget. This is the last board meeting...